Genki Native Benefits

Maximum benefits amount (combined limit for everything covered under Your Insurance)
€1 million per Insurance Year
Accidents & emergencies (it does not matter whose fault it is, just get well soon)
Illnesses & ailments (from the common cold to diseases that You never heard of)
Chronic conditions (including cancer, diabetes, Crohn's, and other frustrating ones)
Outpatient medical treatment (Doctor’s visits & Hospital stays without a bed assigned to You)
Inpatient medical treatment (Hospital stays with a bed assigned to You)
Free choice of Doctors and Hospitals (or any other medical practitioner)
Emergency medical transport to a suitable hospital (by road, air, water, or rail ambulance)
Direct payment to any Hospitals (Inpatient) (including a guarantee of payment upfront)
Direct payment to selected Doctors (Outpatient) (not available — We are still working on this one)
Deductible options (applies to Outpatient only) (You pay some expenses by Yourself to get a lower insurance price)
€0, €500, or €1,000 per Insurance Year
€0, €500, or €1,000 per Insurance Year
Medical treatmentsBasicPremium
Medical consultations (You visit a Doctor to investigate a medical condition You have)
Medical examinations (including CT, MRI, PET, and other cool abbreviations)
Medical procedures & related expenses (including surgery, dialysis, colonoscopy, and chemotherapy)
Organ transplants (costs of the recipient and the awesome donor, but not for search)
Prescribed medication, medical materials & devices (including drugs, bandages, crutches, wheelchairs)
Physiotherapy (only if prescribed)
Palliative care (relief from symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious disease)
Rehabilitation (Inpatient & Outpatient) (if the related Hospital stay was covered and within the past month)
20 days per Insurance Year
30 days per Insurance Year
Second Doctor’s opinion (better safe than sorry in serious cases)
requires Prior Approval
requires Prior Approval
Inpatient hospital stays & home careBasicPremium
Accommodation & meals (double room, if available, and standard meals)
Blood bag transport (organized by the Hospital) (in case Your blood type is not available locally when needed)
Life-sustaining medical devices (ventilators, pacemakers, insulin pumps, and other fancy machines)
Single-room accommodation (an upgrade to stay for Yourself and enjoy the silence)
Home nursing care (only Medically Necessary care) (immediately after or as a replacement for a covered Inpatient stay)
requires Prior Approval
Additional bed for one parent (during an Inpatient stay of Your insured child)
Babysitting of Your children (organized by You) (during Your Inpatient stay if Your family cannot take care of them)
€45 per day for 7 days
Comfort benefits (TV, internet, telephone, pizza delivery, etc.)
Emergency transport to the nearest suitable hospital (by road, air, water, or rail ambulance)
Transport to and from specific Outpatient treatment (for covered dialysis, radiation-, or chemotherapy)
Transport to another country for medical reasons (for serious surgeries or long-term recovery)
requires Prior Approval
requires Prior Approval
Transport of mortal remains to another country (relevant to Your family – do not worry about this one)
requires Prior Approval
requires Prior Approval
Preventive care (You decide what You get checked)BasicPremium
Maximum benefits amount (combined limit for everything covered under “Preventive care”)
no coverage
€250 per Insurance Year
Checkups (routine health assessments for the early detection of diseases)
Preventive medical examinations (including Pap test, colonoscopy, sonography, cancer screening)
Preventive laboratory tests (including cholesterol LDL/HDL, triglycerides, glucose, and STDs)
Vaccinations (including malaria, rabies, hepatitis, tetanus, and yellow fever)
Genetic testing (analyzing Your DNA to identify potential genetic predispositions)
Alternative care (only covered if prescribed or Prior Approval was given)BasicPremium
Maximum benefits amount (combined limit for everything covered under “Alternative care”)
no coverage
€500 per Insurance Year
Osteopathy & chiropractic
Massages & acupuncture
Traditional Chinese medicine
Other alternative care
Dental careBasicPremium
Maximum benefits amount (combined limit for everything covered under “Dental care”)
no coverage
€2,000 per Insurance Year
Pain relief (but it is better to make use of Your checkup and cleaning benefits)
Fillings (including high-quality materials and repairs)
Inlays & onlays (including high-quality materials and repairs)
12-month Waiting Period*
Crowns & bridges (including high-quality materials and repairs)
12-month Waiting Period*
Extractions (removal of teeth – ouch)
Checkups (very helpful to avoid very unpleasant dentist visits)
Professional cleaning (also helpful to avoid unpleasant dentist visits and feels so good)
€200 per Insurance Year
Dentures (removable replacements for missing teeth, including repairs)
12-month Waiting Period*
Implants (artificial tooth roots, surgically placed into the jawbone – ouch)
Bleaching (whitening and brightening of discolored teeth)
Orthodontics (correction of irregularities of teeth and jaw, including Invisalign®)
Other dental treatment (if prescribed, like infection treatment, or root canal therapy)
* There is no Waiting Period if treatment is needed as a result of an Accident proven to the Insurer by a Doctor or a police report.
Vision careBasicPremium
Prescribed examinations (usually because of problems with Your eyesight)
Preventive checkups (including eye exams and vision screenings)
covered under “Preventive care”
Frames & lenses (if prescribed by a medical eye care professional)
€250 per Insurance Year
Contact lenses (if prescribed by a medical eye care professional)
€250 per Insurance Year
Eyesight correction surgery (including contact lens implants and laser surgery)
Mental health careBasicPremium
Inpatient psychiatric care (mental health treatment that requires intensive care & supervision)
Inpatient psychotherapy (admitted to a psychiatric facility for intensive mental health care)
Outpatient psychological treatment (including psychiatrists, psychologists & psychotherapists)
requires Prior Approval
Psychotherapy apps (only if psychotherapy is prescribed; includes BetterHelp™)
requires Prior Approval
Maternity care (only covered if You are the one pregnant)BasicPremium
Waiting period (for everything under “Maternity care” unless stated otherwise)
-12 months
Prenatal checkups (routine pregnancy checkups for the health of You and Your baby)
Ultrasounds (as many as Your Doctor considers Medically Necessary)
First-trimester screening (procedure to check for chromosomal abnormalities early)
Amniocentesis (procedure to check Your baby's health through womb fluid)
Preparation courses & postnatal exercises (preparation for having a baby & recovery after childbirth)
€500 per pregnancy
Midwives, birth assistants & obstetrics (expert support during and after pregnancy and childbirth)
Childbirth (at a regular hospital)
Childbirth (at home)
Childbirth (at a birthing center)
Postnatal care (relevant checkups, support, guidance, and vaccinations)
Complications (unexpected severe deterioration of the health of You or Your baby)
no Waiting Period
no Waiting Period
Termination (Medically Necessary)
no Waiting Period
no Waiting Period
Termination (not Medically Necessary)
Sports & activities (coverage of treatment for harm caused by these)BasicPremium
Climbing (any kind)
Cycling & mountain biking (any kind)
Diving (any kind and depth)
Hiking, trekking & mountaineering (any kind and all the way to the top)
Martial arts (any kind, including Muay Thai)
Motorcycle & -scooter driving (You as the driver must wear a helmet, optional as the passenger)
Parachuting & -gliding, skydiving & base jumping (any kind)
Sailing (any kind, including coastal and offshore)
Skiing & snowboarding (any kind)
Surfing (any kind)
Other sports
Professional sports (meaning You receive regular compensation for Your participation)
Region of coverage (You are covered in all countries, but some are limited)BasicPremium
Canada & USA (these have by far the most expensive healthcare, unfortunately)
❗️ always limited*
❗️ always limited*
Countries of citizenship (You are a citizen of these countries)
❗️ always limited*
excluding Canada & USA
All other countries (countries not listed above)
* Coverage in these countries is limited to a combined total of 30 days and €250,000 per Insurance Year, and to Life‑threatening Emergencies & transport to another country.

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